The Medical Practice Evaluation Center (MPEC) team, led by Kenneth Freedberg, MD, MSc, is a multidisciplinary team internationally recognized in the evaluation of clinical outcomes, costs, and cost-effectiveness for preventing, managing, and treating HIV/AIDS as well as other diseases. Andrea Ciaranello, MD, MPH and Mark Siedner, MD, MPH are directors of the simulation modeling and cost-effectiveness analysis pillar and the epidemiology and implementation science pillar, respectively.
The MPEC team collaborates with research teams in Botswana, Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, France, India, Mozambique, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Uganda, and Zimbabwe, as well as investigators from across the United States.
The Medical Practice Evaluation Center informs health policy and transforms the care of underserved populations worldwide through clinically focused cost-effectiveness, epidemiologic, and implementation research.
Simulation Modeling and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

The Modeling and Decision Science Pillar at MPEC includes a multidisciplinary, international team of physicians, programmers, data analysts, decision scientists, and others who use simulation models and decision science methods to address questions of value in global health care, with a focus on HIV and its comorbidities.
The team builds computer models that project the clinical and economic impact of different policies or guidelines for health care and disease prevention. Results of modeling analyses are used to inform clinical guidelines.
Epidemiology and Implementation Science

The Implementation Science Pillar at MPEC unites a multidisciplinary team of researchers to address important public health and equity topics in the US and around the globe, notably HIV, TB, COVID, sexual health, and non-communicable diseases.
The team uses policy-informed science to address knowledge gaps in health and wellbeing for vulnerable populations in the US and abroad. The work involves a myriad of different methods: clinical trials, implementation science, cohort studies, mixed-methods observational studies, clinical registries, and mechanistic studies.

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Boston, MA 02114